Civil Construction and Maintenance
- To expose underground services for maintenance and repair
- To locate and confirm underground services location
- Through heritage listed tree areas or environmentally sensitive sites
- To expose underground services for maintenance and repair
- Slot trenching to locate and confirm underground services location
- To install services in environmentally sensitive areas
- To install tree root barriers
- Excavate perimeter trench around new worksite to determine location of existing underground services
- Through heritage listed tree areas
- Through high risk areas to install electrical services, production pipework and communication services
Subsurface Utility/Service Location
- Scanning for undergound services using (GPR) Ground Penetrating Radar and (EMI) Electromagnetic Induction
- Providing detailed photo report on completion of works
Vacuum Excavate
- Holes for bollard installation
- To removal of sand from under pipework traces to enable access for sandblasting and painting
- Around buried pipework for inspection and repair
- Electrical launch pits and receival pit
- To sink liners and pits.
- Around tree roots for stump removal
- Around tree roots to expose underground services
- Holes for the installation of rag cages for car park lights
- To clean out of buried conduit runs in preparation of cable hauling
- For footings, for service and storm water pit installations
- For service pit installation
- To under bore receival pits
- To clean out new drainage and sewer lines & pits for new subdivisions
- To cleaning of storm water pits and associated pipework
Vacuum Loading
- Of sandblast residue from encapsulations around pipework and inside storage tanks (confined space work)
Electrical, Communications, Plumbing Contractors and Utilities Providers
- To locate and confirm underground services location
- To expose underground services for maintenance and repair
- Through heritage listed tree areas or environmentally sensitive sites
- Slot trenching to locate and confirm underground services location
- To expose underground services for maintenance and repair
- To install services in environmentally sensitive areas
- For installation of electrical and communication feeds
- For location and installation of services
- To install earth cabling to solar panels for railway signal controls
Subsurface Utility/Service Location
- Scanning for underground services using (GPR) Ground Penetrating Radar and (EMI) Electromagnetic Induction
- Providing detailed photo report on completion of works
Vacuum Excavate
- Holes for anode installations
- To expose assets for inspection
- For communications pit and pipe location and remediation, clean out pits and conduits, jetting blocked conduits, rodding and roping, and parachuting ropes through the ducts
- Around tree stumps for removal
- Footing holes for: installation of rag cages for car park lights, holes for security camera installations, for parking meter installation, for the installation of bollards, to install and relocate light poles
- Locating and exposing underground services then excavating underneath them to carefully lower into a deeper position
- To clean out of buried conduit runs in preparation of cable hauling
- For service and storm water pit installations
- Clean out electrical and communication pits and conduits, drainage (storm water, sumps, gully) pits and pipework, new sewer pits and pipework ready for inspection
- To clean out service or utility pits, storm water pits, gully pits, soak wells
- Clean out electrical and communication pits and conduits, drainage (storm water, sumps, gully) pits and pipework, new sewer pits and pipework ready for inspection
- Valve box cleaning
Mining & Heavy Industry – Construction & Maintenance
Vacuum Excavate
- To expose damaged services for repair
- To install earth cabling to solar panels for railway signal controls
- To install services in environmentally sensitive areas
Vacuum Loading
- Process plant mineral recovery from hopper (confined space work)
- Product spillage recovery
- Vehicle wash down bay clean outs
Government, Schools and Shopping Centres
- To locate and confirm underground services location
- To expose underground services for maintenance and repair
- Through heritage listed tree areas or environmentally sensitive sites
- To locate and confirm underground services location
- Open hole excavation to expose underground services for maintenance and repair
- For location, installation or repair of services
- Through heritage listed tree areas or environmentally sensitive sites
Subsurface Utility/Service Location
- Scanning for underground services using (GPR) Ground Penetrating Radar and (EMI) Electromagnetic Induction
- Providing detailed photo reports on completion of works
Vacuum Excavate
- To expose damaged services
- Communications pit and pipe location and remediation, clean out pits and conduits, jetting blocked conduits, rodding and roping, and parachuting ropes through the ducts.
- Footing holes for rage cages for car park lights, poles for signs, shade sales and play equipment, installation of bollards, security camera installations , install and relocate light poles
- To clean out buried conduit runs in preparation of cable hauling
- Around tree stumps for removal
- Around tree roots for underground asset location
- Footings for trenches and holes
- For service and storm water pit installations
- Jet and vacuum excavate to clean out storm water pits, gully pits, soak wells
Vacuum Loading
- To clean out sand filtration tanks
- To clean out holding tanks
Sign and Shade Installers
Piling, Formwork and Horizontal Drilling Contractors
Potholing and trenching
- To confirm location of underground services
Vacuum excavate
- Pylon holes and footings in preparation for concrete pour
Vacuum Load
- Drillers mud from horizontal directional drillers pits without an operator needing to enter a confined space
Property Maintenance, Landscaping and Residential
Vacuum Excavate
- Precision holes or trenches in confined space or restricted access areas
- Trenches and footings
- Precision excavation to install tree root barriers
- Hole for swimming pool or spa in areas that don’t allow machine access
- Confined space and restricted access excavation for underground cellar
- To clean out sand filtration tanks
- Trenching and potholing for location of services
- Jet and vacuum excavate to clean out storm water pits, gully pits, soak wells
Vacuum Loading
- Extract soils from garden beds
Security Companies
Vacuum Excavate
- To install and relocate poles for security cameras
- For installation of electric and communication feeds
Vacuum Excavate and Jetting
- To clean out stormwater pits, gully pits, soak wells
Vacuum loading
- To extract mud from an residential apartment, filled with mud after March 2010 storm